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For You!

The Case For Evolution

1) The Academia Issue


If you go against rationality, you go against the academia which finds truth using scientific investigation, social modelling or literary description. Before you do something with Jesus, you must dismiss the academia as needless cranks who don’t inspire in us hope. Evolution is evident from fossil findings and is actively researched using funding and much respected brain time. In between the chimpanzee and the human being came the gorilla, who’s structure and behaviour can be understood to sit somewhere in between the two. Skulls can be carbon dated to find their date, and dinosaurs bones have been excavated and dated accordingly. This truly is the case for evolution, and this is evidence that demands a verdict. Academics will cure cancer by research and by teaching and educating students about its structure and chemistry, whereas creationism is neither researched or promoted by the academia or business and it seems its propounders are useful for nothing apart from sweeping the floor. God will not cure cancer or MND, but the academia will, and that truth must be confronted when speculating which thinking is right. 



2) The Disability Problem 


Faith doesn't work for disability or illness because Christians get bound up and twisted in faith healing, however spectacular or insignificant the divine cure me be. The Christian belief that Jesus is alive today having died two millennia ago makes them sick, ill in the head and saturated in an extremely sad and distasteful sentimentality which surrounds their negation of Jesus’ death. Illness is detonated into something to be fond of and liked, because you’re told that when you’re ill you pertain more to Jesus than what you would otherwise do. Also, you’re asserted as under god for you’re illness, and not just under medical professionals, and you can’t have that complete trust relationship with your doctor who has singularity in effect, which everyone deserves. 


Disabled people are patronised as special as god is thought to talk to them especially, and healing services can be organised for a disability to be cured. In terms of colds, stomach problems and problems such as constipation, prayer can just be the way your mind works, through god psychologies, because you may not want to take a laxative until you have prayed about it, but with medical conditions such as Cerebral Palsy, Cystic Fibrosis, MD and MND, healing should never be requested from god as it can, for example, cause hyperventilation in young kids. To think that such healing services in which oil is applied to the head occur nowadays is worrying, and should encourage us to spread the word of secularism. The placebo effect can be the explanation for the times when have heard of illnesses like cancer being cured after a prayer of healing has been said, but conditions such as Cerebral Palsy and Cystic Fibrosis go unheard-of today as cured divinely. 



3) The Equality Argument 


Jesus was a white male, and Christianity is western and white people based as it is a white person’s gospel. It’s hero is white, and god the father is always painted as a white grandfather with a long white beard, able-bodied. When it comes to the church, minority groups must forgive its tenure by being bigger than its blatant white supremacy, disabled people fight for equality among its ministers, women are subordinate to men by the book of Corinthians, LGBTs are isolated in derision, and race is theologically not asserted as equal. Why should god be white, and more than that, a man? Obviously, the bible is an historical book, only useful to one period of time. 


Evolution celebrates differences and so equality is found in evolution by it’s mutations, which biologically ingrains change and diversities into the life structure. The fittest emerge through struggle, not through statement or testimony, which reflects the essence of life today as we know it. Charles Darwin’s thesis does nothing with natural life, as in he does not supplement it with the irrationality of god or faith, but inversely, takes life and deduces relationships and explanations for the present reality. The weak come along by the same process as the strong, through sex, which proceeds behaviour, habit, learning and partnership. Minority groups are not fundamentally flawed, but become included into the flow of things depending on how well they interact themselves with the environment, not with god who is not real. The tribal leader has engaged successfully in group interaction, he has not signed that he believes in a white, able god. I have been in the church, and there is no equality there for a white, disabled woman who’s a cross-dresser, only weird looks and isolation experiences. So evolution can be accepted as a feasible theory because it suggests that diversity colours life and does not blacken it. 



4) The Stability Argument


Suffering and death can be assumed in life, and so it is expected that you will die and suffer pain at some point in time, whether it be mental or physical. We will all die one day in the future, and the quicker and more fully you can accept that the better it will be for you, the more you will understand life because you will have a higher quality of life. The psychiatric exists, and evolution theory accepts the emotions in a way that you just can’t conceive of. Were evolution to be described diagrammatically by emotions:nature charts, they would be the most complete, sufficient, integral mappings you have ever known. Evolution meets you when you maybe when you just feel down, it understands you in your perplexities and it welcomes your fears as it confronts and deals with them. And you feel so accepted by it that you can assimilate and care for other people. 


But Christians often ask God why, why, why, and impede natural thought and observations, like we all die. They uphold a chaotic statute which looses us in insolence and pride as Christianity destroys the assumption of suffering, making it harder to accept. Evolution depends on extinction, not resurrection, and I think this is a better conceptual model since suffering and death are accounted for and expected by it, not living after you die.



5) The Combination Problem 


I don't believe in theistic evolution because you need to validate both advocacies to say both evolutionary processes and god created life, and the god part of this posit can’t be proven to exist. Evolution doesn't need complimented by god or anything else because evolution theory shows so much integrity by itself. And also, if you put god beside a very beautiful building such as Le Louvre in Paris then god will look extremely good indeed, much better than if you put him up beside something ugly like a Blobfish, saying that the two forces expose each other. 


Combinatory meaning requires that both elements must stand in order to be true or a proposition, and here god just doesn’t even exist physically by scientific or philosophical proofs of logic. But if you put god beside evolutionary processes god will look very good indeend, better they he would if you combine him with Le Louvre, even majestic, and I think he looks phenomenal beside evolution because evolution is phenomenal. You’ve got to remember that god is a null-and-void, a non-value, because he’s non-existent, and I’m afraid no physical form implies that he is just a figment of the imagination, as we shall see by the next argument. Sometimes I think the born again Christian’s lives are just about making god look good and so connect with theistic evolution in a way which can’t be patronised because it expresses divine imagery very majestically by connecting god to evolution and thus to nature in this way.  


Evolution is a sufficient theory in itself because it takes humankind, the living organism in question, and draws conclusions from it and from the geology, plants and animals surrounding him/her that can be observed, and deduces from them the system or process by which we exist. It does not exclude behaviour as it postulates developmental plasticity to the environment, so it does not leave out environment, setting or sociology, it does not dismiss free choice either in life choices or by partners, it does not stamp on minority groups such as the disabled, coloured people, gender and sexual minorities, it never suppresses political freedom fighters who become respected through popularity, and it does not exclude the individual because we can all say individually to ourselves or to other people that we evolved. To dilute evolution is to extinguish its flame which burns so strongly for our lives, our structures and our organisations, and is to extinguish its flame which pertains to all the other living organisms and technologies that ever existed. I don’t feel that believing in a combination of creationism and evolution is particularly helpful as it is unhealthy, and believe that my voice should be heard along with all the outgoing creationists. I also have the entitlement to state my case, not just the evangelical creationists as freedom of speech serves all of us, minorities included. 




6) The Faith Issue


It is possible to say that we exist by our internal models in our brains, I think, because the brain cannot be dead as the person would be dead, apart from a few tragic cases of coma. A dead leg is just a dead leg, but to be brain dead is rather serious. The brain is the most active organ in our bodies as it is for our expression, and is where rational thought and knowledge are processed to enable us live as we want to. What’s real to our brains is what’s real to us as the act of belief is a rational one, even if it is just believing in what we see, and reason is the base of our proudest stances. Through philosophical ontology, we can use propositional sets to describe our world and its relationships as everything that occurs in it can be reduced down to physical relations: physical objects (including buildings), people, and places (including outer space), represented via relations (events, feelings which can be described in terms of hormones etc), qualities, and abstract entities (numbers). The metaphysical can be completely excluded because it has been proven that god is not needed and is optional when describing such relationships, and so we can easily imply that god doesn't exist at all. 


Faith, therefore, is not rational as it describes the act of belief as being in spite of our rational thoughts and conclusions, and so in spite of reason. Believing that Jesus is god takes two individual acts of faith, one that god exists and another that Jesus was god embodied, and the rational thought processes which we all use every day and which are so foundational to any life theory, like Einstein’s General Theory of Relativity or evolution theory, just get rejected and ignored by a belief in Christianity or creationism. Basically, evolution theory does not require anyone to go out with human logic, out with human rationality, out with ourselves, as it does not condemn the brain to an asylum. Creationism depends on us to objectively reject normal thought and rational processes so as to believe in god by faith. Yes, you can’t believe in both evolution and creationism, because faith dismisses the rational, as Christians sometimes openly admit to. 



7) The Applicability Argument


It’s personal - I know I evolved. But no-one can know and you can't know God created you, like you know that you have a pancreas in your body. You can’t know that god exists, created us, or that Jesus is alive today. Evolution is really just a massive big inclusion of all people and living organisms into one explanation, and if it asks anything it asks us that we love each other and create as much technology as will be useful to us. It is a missive to live, not die, because you can’t get out of the evolutionary process in that if you did, you would be dead. But to evolution you would be still included and involved in the whole state of things because you would be affecting the terms of life if you were dead, which would be without you. Then you would live on in other people in their memories and desires, desires which you would have set by your behaviour towards them and through your conversations with them. 



So much relationality exists by evolution, and everyone matters. Christianity damns the many to hell and sets a small exclusive group on top of all others by qualifying only them for heaven, a hypothetical proposition. This promise of heaven which they call reality breeds in them pride, austereness and snobbery, cultivating the need to converse with and relate to others just for the sake of saving them for Christ so that they in turn can get to heaven. Evolution never classifies or certifies you, but states fluently that all people and all organisms are of equal worth and value, a value of which is absolute without being confronting because all people are asserted as interactive incrementations. We become something of worth to other people, other animals, or other plants in life, and if you become a criminal or mentally ill in life, you can be rescued and helped by probation officers or psychiatrists. You can regain control when others help you to agn become a fully functional self. Evolution is in me, and I can see morality by it. It’s fragrance is righteousness, and it’s love is truth. Nobody is sidelined or stifled by natural selection, and nobody is prohibited from creatively speaking or from freedom of speech or expression. Evolution is just, because it includes everyone by trophying the equality and the worth of all. It is very sufficient theory exposing much integrity, and to me it offers the explanation of life on earth. 


Richard Dawkins is an evolutionary biologist and a retired Oxford professor. He held the chair there for the Public Understanding of Science from 1995 until 2008 and became famous for his 1976 book The Selfish Gene. He’s authored many books thus far, and is one of the founders of New Atheism. 


Sam Harris is an American neuroscientist and philosopher and co-founded and runs Project Reason. He wrote Letter to a Christian Nation in 2006 and The Moral Landscape in 2010. He also believes in New Atheism and has been accused by some commentators of Islamophobia. He’s recently co-authored Islam: And the Future of Tolerance with Maajid Nawaz, and is known for his book The End of Faith.

Daniel Dennett is an American philosopher and cognitive scientist who relates his thinkings to evolutionary biology. He is the co-director of the Center for Cognitive Studies at Tufts University, and also believes in New Atheism. He has a lot of views on free will, religion and morality, and wrote Darwin’s Dangerous Idea: Evolution and the Meanings of Life in 1995, Consciousness Explained in 1992 and Freedom Evolves in 2003, among other books.

Stephen Hawking is the physicist who first predicted that Hawking Radiation comes from black holes, and is a retired Cambridge professor. In his book, A Brief History of Time, which is the second most bought book of all time besides the bible, he explains the big bang and black holes, pointing to string theory as a description of particle makeup. Today he postulates M-theory as a possible Theory of Everything, saying that the definition of a scientific model is that it must “agree with observation”.

Richard Carrier is an historian who leads the way in the Christ myth theory, and wrote Sense and Goodness Without God. He has many articles on The Secular Web, appears on numerous Freethought blogs, is a featured speaker at the annual Freethought Festival, and has frequent debate with authored fundamentalist Christians. He believes that Jesus Christ the man never existed.

Bart Ehrman is an American New Testament scholar and a professor of Religious Studies at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. He used to be an evangelical Christian, and talks a lot in his books about what it meant to him. He became an agnostic atheist during his graduate studies, and his many of his lectures on YouTube. These include The historicity of Jesus, How did Jesus become god?, Did the historical Jesus claim to be divine? Misquoting Jesus in the bible, a Freedom from religion lecture, and The case against the resurrection. He’s written 30 books including three college textbooks: Misquoting Jesus; Jesus Interrupted; God’s Problem; Forged; and How Jesus Became God.


Alain de Botton is a British-based philosopher who co-founded The School of Life in 2008. He has authored many books, but you can find him on YouTube talking about A kinder, gentler philosophy of success, you can find him discussing Pessimism, Status Anxiety, Sex, the Media, and also the Theory of Everything along with other interesting topics. 


Find out about Charles Darwin, the man of the scientist and the voice of the anyone today who feels like a subordinate in some way. He wrote On the Origin of Species in 1859, The Voyage of the Beagle in 1839, The Decent of Man in 1871, The Expression and the Emotions of Man and Animals in 1872, The Power of Movement in Plants in 1880, and The Formation of Vegetable Mould through the Action of Worms in 1881.  

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